I am terribly sorry you installed version 5 and learned it, and now on to version 6 however respectively that is a normal process with software, you already know this. Yes it sounds like a BETA, (has been a reply before), which we have already had, yes, but BETA is not a live test environment, the official release to USA is a live environment in production that still can act as a filter for smaller minute things to be fixed. We can find these small nuances that are causing problems, get the KB written, and software fixed, then the release for the world is more polished. So we in the US are like trialing it, we're the dummies.

This may not be the reason for why it has only released in US as of right now, but its the most logical i can think of, and how i would do it vs sending it out everywhere and see what happens. The USA San Diego office, as well as the partner list in the United States is probably far greater in numbers and the available help, and employees that have access to design, implementation, and patching is probably a sufficient size in the USA as it appears to be 2nd in size and accountability next to the Slovakia Home site. will be a very difficult situation to manage as well as requiring additional support. The support needed to handle the requests, provide solutions, patch the software, write all the KB articles, and be all that they can be, is impossible if not, at least. The release in the USA is most likely for the purpose of rolling out in stages document, record problems missed, assist with support and repair, before rolling out to the ENTIRE world. I could make a packe to remove AVG with a higher priority than the ESET AV installation. I want to do this via patch management because all our software is installed via patch management and it is easier to make priorities.

the same with the AV product but I can't download it manually, only via a repository in the software install.

I want to install the agent automatically (offline installation) with all parameters included in CLI (so that I can distribute it via patch management) but I don't find this info in the manual, only to do it via GUI. With this I mean, download it manually (agent and AV software) exe or msi and deploy it manually ? Is it possible to install ESET 6 AGENT and the antivirus manually ? I also have patch management up and running (glpi + ocs-ng) and the most easy would be if I could remove AVG and install ESET via my patch management. We have AVG installed and need to change with ESET 6.