All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Werewolf the Apocalypse, Wraith the Oblivion, Changeling the Dreaming, Werewolf the Wild West, Mage the Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith the Great War, Trinity, Dark Ages Storytellers Companion, Dark Ages Vampire, Dark Ages Mage, Dark Ages British Isles, Dark Ages Europe, Right of Princes, Spoils of War, Bitter Crusade, London by Night, Under the Black Cross, Cainite Heresy, Constantinople by Night, Jerusalem by Night, Libellus Sanguinis I Masters of the State, Libellus Sanguinis II Keepers of the Word, Libellus Sanguinis III Wolves at the Door, Libellus Sanguinis IV Thieves in the Night, The Ashen Knight, The Ashen Thief, Road of the Beast, Road of Kings, Road of Heaven, Road of Sin, Iberia by Night, Transylvania by Night, House of Tremere, Wolves of the Sea, Fountains of Bright Crimson, Wind from the East, Veil of Night, Dark Ages Inquisitor, and Dark Ages Inquisitor Companion are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. White Wolf, Vampire, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Dark Ages, Mage the Ascension, Hunter the Reckoning, World of Darkness and Aberrant are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. Hagen Development and Additional Material: Matthew McFarland Editor: Michelle Lyons Art Direction, Layout & Typesetting: Becky Jollensten Interior Art: Mike Chaney, James Stowe, Tim Truman, and John Wigley Front Cover Art: Adrian Smith Front & Back Cover Design: Becky Jollensten © 2004White Wolf Publishing, Inc.Storyteller game system designed by Mark Rein Shepherd (Playing the Inquisition (Sample of Play), The Ways of the Faithful (Orisons and Holy Art)), Adam Tinworth (My Order, My Brothers) and Janet Trautvetter (Prelude, Playing the Inquisition (Serving the Inquisition)). HagenĬredits Authors: Kraig Blackwelder (The Ways of the Faithful (The Lamp of Faith, Endowments, Curses, Merits and Flaws)), Myranda Kalis (Playing the Inquisition (Life in the Church, The Inquisition in the Church), Soldiers of God, Servants of Hell), Jonathan L.Shepherd, Adam Tinworth and Janet Trautvetter Vampire created by Mark Rein Dark Ages: Inquisitor Companion White Wolfīy Kraig Blackwelder, Myranda Kalis, Jonathan L.